Shirley C. Glory nee Wagaman, a nurse in the U.S. Army.
Life is just a yummy plate of garden vegetables. Yes, it sounds corny, but I’ve always found comfort in the simple truth of this metaphor. Tasty, homegrown vegetables from my garden remind me of the beauty, joy, and serenity, which more than compensates for all the hard work, muscle strain, pest and diseases encountered along the way.
With the end of summer, Labor Day announcing the beginning of fall, the tasty vegetables eaten and the returning of children to school, what I’m getting at in my own way, is that gardening like life has its ups and downs.
As our country waits for the glorious news of the capture of Hussein, we also must sit and listen to the announcement of American soldiers perishing in combat.
In my own home, I think back to my father-in-law, Sgt. Charles H. Simmons, who bravely served in Vietnam, my father, Sgt. Ralph P. Sanchez, Vietnam veteran, and my husband, Sgt. Terry L. Simmons, who was called for duty by the United States Army. Two of whom served in a horrible war and one with the chance of going to one.
We may not all agree with our President, or the war. What we can agree on is that these soldiers are our sons, husbands, brothers, uncles, nephews, friends and neighbors.
Through our differences we must come together and support them. In this section of the magazine we have provided a list of soldiers who are fighting on the front line. Please write to them with encouraging words and prayers.
With next years gardening season in mind, the mistakes made and lessons learned, I know next years garden will produce more vegetables. Just as each day of the war goes by, each day also brings us to an end.
This Labor Day as we enjoy the final gatherings of the summer, please say your prayers for our soldiers abroad, and for WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Desert Storm war veterans. A special thank you to my father-in-law, Retired Sgt. Charles H. Simmons, for the hours of gardening you shared with your mini-me; Christopher and your granddaughter, Tiffany. Thank you for all the helpful gardening tips.
To Sgt. Terry Simmons, you are your son’s role model. You have raised a son who is so proud that his daddy is an American soldier. How your son wants to walk in your shoes. You have a daughter who sees a man full of courage, strength, and love. You are in our thoughts, prayers, and in our hearts. We love you.
Dr. Zo Simmons
Did You Know?
During WWII there was one casualty out of every 15 American soldiers, and during Iraq, they were shooting for a ratio of less then one out of every 1,500 soldiers.
Computers for Disabled Veterans (Announcement from 2003)
The Madison Disabled Vets has posted the following on its Web site: Computers for Disabled Veterans are available at no cost if you qualify. You must have been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces, awarded 100% Disability, and have received the Purple Heart to qualify. This is what you will receive: A Dell computer complete with monitor, keyboard, hard drive, mouse, speakers, and an Epson printer. In addition, you will get five hours of free instruction in your home.
This offer is available through Help Disabled War Veterans, an organization in Northern California. To apply, call or write to:
Help Disabled War Veterans
36589 Penfield Lane, Suite D
Winchester, CA 92596.
The telephone number is: (909) 926-2210
Attach a copy of your DD-214 (make sure your Purple Heart is listed on it) and a copy of your 100% Disability Award letter to the application. You will be put on a list of qualified recipients. About 100 computers each month are being sent out.
Letter to all readers.
I noticed the request for assistance in buying a heavy duty paper cutter for the magazine, in our latest issue.
What a great opportunity for all of us who enjoy the magazine and who have been helped through the voluntary research, to give back in some small, but important way.
I would like to issue a challenge to my fellow readers to send a donation, now. A lot of even small donations have a way of mounting up to the needed $400.00, quickly. So let’s get going and get this equipment on the job ASAP. I know we can do this together as a gesture of the great appreciatiaon we feel to this devoted organization, for all they do on our behalf.
Thanks to all of you..and my check is in the mail!!
CSM Thomas Fitzpatrick (USA RET)
1970 photograph of CSM Thomas E. Fitzpatrick outside the 326th Medical Battalion (Airmobile) Headquarters.
U S Legacies Magazine September 2003
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